The conditions for the approval of a housing loan in our country are the following:
- Maximum income ratio 35% (35% of your annual income must cover the interest payments on all your loans.
- Financing up to 65% of the commercial value of the property
- Loan duration: up to 15 years (at the end of the loan, the person must not be more than 75 years old)
- Interest rate: fixed or variable at the best market conditions
As part of our holistic service, our group’s Banking division provides you with a free initial loan assessment, saving you time before contacting the bank.
The documents for the initial assessment of your request by our competent sector are as follows:
- Tax return for the last two (2) years (print in English, where possible)
- Verbal declaration of the amount of other loans in your country
The response from our department will be immediate.

In case of a positive response to the potential funding, please follow the steps below:
1st STEP
Contact our company to guide you on how to open a code and account with a partner bank.
2nd STEP
Financial pre-approval
- Loan application (to be completed by our office)
- Declaration of no debts, indicating the existence or not of bank debts (to be completed by our office)
- Last payroll (in case of an employee)
- Photocopy of identity card/passport
In case of a positive response from the bank for the pre-approval of the loan, you will be informed about the submission of additional documents.